Holder of the treatment
The use of cookies and similar technologies by COMEX COMPANY SRL, a limited liability company, with registered office in Italy, Via Cicalesi, 19 - 84014 Noceria Inferiore (SA), Tax Code and VAT no. 03467980656, is part of the privacy policy of the Manager, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/03 Code regarding the protection of personal data (Privacy Code) and the Provision of 8 May 2014 "Identification of simplified procedures for information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies "of the Italian Privacy Guarantor. COMEX COMPANY SRL, as Data Controller, acts in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.
Acceptance modalities
As specified in the short notice in advance in the banner, you can give your consent to the use of cookies in a simplified form: by clicking on the "OK" button; closing the banner with the "X" button; scrolling the page or clicking any element of the internal content on the pages of the site.
Continuing browsing by exiting this cookie policy in the absence of a specific choice of consent management, is equivalent to granting consent to the use of all cookies.
What is a cookie?
Un cookie è un file di piccole dimensioni che viene inviato al browser in uso e salvato sul tuo dispositivo quando visiti un sito internet come (‘il sito’). I cookie permettono un funzionamento efficiente del sito e ne migliorano le prestazioni, inoltre forniscono informazioni al proprietario del sito per fini statistici o pubblicitari, principalmente per personalizzare la tua esperienza di navigazione ricordando le tue preferenze (per esempio ricordare la lingua e la valuta che hai impostato, per riconoscerti alla visita successiva, ecc.).
What cookies do we use and for what purposes?
Our site uses different types of first-party cookies (prepared and managed by COMEX COMPANY SRL), third-party cookies (prepared and managed by third parties based on their own privacy policies and not under the control of COMEX COMPANY SRL), each of which it has a specific function. Below is an explanatory table.
Navigation Cookie
From the first access these cookies allow the site to function properly and allow you to view the contents on your device by recognizing the language and market of the country from which you choose to connect. If you are a registered user, they will allow you to be recognized and to access the services of the dedicated areas. Navigation cookies are technical cookies and are necessary for the site to function.
Functional cookies
These cookies allow, based on your express request, to recognize you on subsequent accesses, so as not to have to enter your data at each visit (eg: 'Recognize me next time'). If you have added items to your Shopping Bag and closed the session without completing the purchase and without deleting them, these cookies allow you to continue shopping the next time you access the site (within a limited period) by finding the selected items. Functional cookies are not essential to the functioning of the site, but they improve the quality and experience of navigation.
Analytical cookies
These first-party cookies are the property of COMEX COMPANY SRL (Site Manager) and are used to collect data in an anonymous and aggregate form. These cookies are used to process statistical analyzes on how users navigate our site. COMEX COMPANY SRL treats the results of these analyzes anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes.
First and third party marketing and profiling cookies
These cookies are designed to create user profiles in order to send commercial messages that meet the preferences expressed during the visit or to improve your browsing experience: while you browse our site these cookies are useful to show you products of your interest or similar to the ones you viewed. Third-party cookies are those sent by trusted third-party companies. These cookies allow us to offer you our commercial proposal on other affiliated websites (retargeting). On third-party cookies we have no control over the information provided by the cookie and we do not have access to such data. This information is totally controlled by third-party companies as described in their respective policies. To view the aforementioned third-party cookies, find out about their respective policies and consciously manage their consent or denial, please visit
Cookie di Social Network
These cookies are necessary to allow your social account to interact with our site. For example, they are used to let you express your appreciation and to share it with your social media friends. Social network cookies are not necessary for navigation. For more information on the policies for the use of cookies by Social Networks, you can consult the respective privacy and cookie policies:
How can I disable cookies and manage my preferences?
Most browsers are configured to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through the settings. We remind you, however, that disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause unsatisfactory operation of the site and / or limit the service we offer.
Below is the path to follow to manage cookies from the following browsers:
Internet Explorer:
Terze parti
You can at any time select your preferences from the Privacy Center by activating or disabling the single category of cookies. For more information on cookies and to manage your preferences on third-party cookies, please visit Once on the site, by accessing the "Your choices" area you can: view the list of third-party companies, our partners, who install cookies on our site (Company); check the presence and activity status of the installed cookie (Status) and selectively manage consent (On / Off). By expanding the dedicated item (Info) to each company, you can access more information relating to the company and reach the specific privacy and cookie information via link. As regards specifically Criteo, our retargeting service provider, you can express your consent on the platform by following this direct link / en / privacy /.
Recently seen
In order to show you our products you have already viewed (in the section of the site or the App called "Recently viewed"), we also use technologies similar to cookies (in particular, "HTLM5 Local Storage") that store information in the Local Storage of the your device. We do not have access to this information. To delete the information stored in the Local Storage of your device you can, at any time, proceed according to the following instructions.
Web Site
You can delete the information in the Local Storage of your device by clicking on the appropriate "Delete" button in the "See all" section of the "Recently viewed", or through the browser you use. To proceed using the browser you will have to delete the navigation data by following the instructions at the links below, by checking the item "Cookies and website data".
Below are the paths to follow for the main browsers:
Internet explorer:
Microsoft Edge:
Web push notification
With your express consent, you can receive customized notifications on COMEX COMPANY SRL products and commercial news on your device (so-called “web push notification”).
In order to send you these notifications we use technologies similar to cookies (in particular, "HTLM5 Local Storage") which store information in the Local Storage of your device. Some of your personal data are also stored on our servers - located in the European Union - for the management of "web push notifications".
The personalization of communications is carried out on the basis of the way you browse and use the Site and, in particular, the products you viewed, purchased or placed in the cart or the data you entered in the registration form on the site or during the purchase phase. of products on the Site (in particular, your name to personalize the communication sent to you and your date of birth to offer you promotions and discounts dedicated to you on your birthday).
The categories of personal data that are used for this purpose are:
products purchased, viewed or placed in the cart;
first name;
date of birth;
gender (man or woman);
language used for navigation and version of the site used (country);
information about the device and browser that are used by you;
date and time in which you consented to receive web push notifications;
creation date of My Account / MCOMEX COMPANY SRL;
date of the last visit to our site.
You can withdraw your consent to receive such personalized commercial communications at any time by proceeding, depending on the browser you use, according to the following instructions.
Main browsers:
Chrome: Settings> Show Advanced Settings> Privacy - Content Settings> Notifications - Manage exceptions> Enter and select "Block"
Firefox: Options> Contents> Notifications - Select> - "Block"
Safari: Preferences> Notifications> From here set the selector to "Reject"
You can also withdraw your consent to receive notifications also starting from the communications you receive, by proceeding according to the following instructions.
Desktop: Right-click on the notification> disable notifications from
Mobile: Access the notification center> Site parameters> Notifications> Block notifications from
For more information on this type of communication, consult the privacy policy of the Site.
Access to data and Customer Service
You can at any time receive assistance and explanations on how to exercise consent or selective refusal or on how to delete cookies and similar technologies from your browser, by sending an e-mail to Customer Service by selecting "Privacy" as a topic or with a written request addressed to COMEX COMPANY SRL to the postal address of the registered office, we will promptly reply.